Engineering, Energy and Environment

The technical, energy and environmental sectors in Denmark are currently undergoing a massive change. It is a sector with a strong focus on current and future development projects, and we help secure, develop, and adapt the skilled workforce needed to succeed in a rapidly changing industry.


With our expertise in the engineering, energy, and environmental sectors, we thoroughly understand the unique needs and technical skills that are in demand. Through careful screening and access to a pool of pre-qualified candidates, we can quickly identify and introduce you to the most qualified candidates.


At Actief Hartmanns, Outplacement is also called Newplacement

Newplacement – A new approach to Outplacement Your terminated employees do not have to leave, but rather move on and towards a new career. That is why we have chosen to call our Outplacement process Newplacement.

In a sector that is constantly evolving, change can lead to new opportunities. Our Newplacement process ensures that employees and companies can navigate effectively through transition periods. Our Newplacement course is tailored to the individual employee, department, and organisation.


To remain competitive in a sector characterized by innovation, continuous learning is essential. Our tailor-made workshops and lectures consider the dynamics of the sector. We offer insightful sessions led by experienced professionals focused on empowering your leaders, teams, and individual employees These options exactly match the sector’s requirements and challenges.

With our focus on recruitment, new placement processes and development in the engineering, energy, and environmental sectors, we are dedicated to supporting your organisation’s growth and success in a constantly changing industry.

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